Saturday, April 10, 2010

The progression of skills...

I'll edit this later, but something just happened to make me think of this topic...

So I was in the shower and after I finished getting squeaky clean, I opened the curtain only to see one of the lovely, (bigger than your thumb) Jamaican cockroaches that come to visit now and then crawling around on the floor.

When I first got here I was hard pressed to catch one of these suckers which seem to move with the speed and grace of The Flash, despite their mutated size.

A year in I could catch them with likkle effort, but even after a few stomps or whaps with a shoe, the suckers still either ran away or at least limped on!

Today I grabbed up my trusty flip flop and gave a toss; the first one deflected off a chitinous shell, but the second throw got the blighter dead to rights! Like a ninja I ended that creepy crawlies life with a deadly knife throw...well flip flop throw, but you get the point.

So there is one skill I know has progressed along this almost 2 year journey; the likkle cockroaches back home don't stand a chance!

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